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margin call in Chinese

How to pronounce "margin call"Synonyms of "margin call""margin call" in a sentence"margin call" meaning

Translationmobile phoneMobile

  • 保证金统治
  • 保证金追缴
  • 补充保证金通知, 增收保证金, 征收保证金的要求
  • 要求增补按金
  • 追补保证金 断头 (股市)
  • 追加保证金的通知
  • 追加保证金要求,追加保证金通知
  • 追缴保证金通知;追补按金通知


  • Margin calls for and disposal of collaterals
  • 16 . in what situation will i receive a " margin call "
    17 .在收到“追补按金”的通知后,我要怎样做?
  • Your cash remains on your own bank account as long as there is no margin call
  • Boom will use all means to inform you about the margin call
  • 17 . what do i need to do if i receive a " margin call "
    1 9 .如果boom向我发出“追补按金”的通知时无法与我联络,会怎么处理?
  • Daily margin call
  • 18 . what happens if the market rebounds after receiving the " margin call "
    18 .如果收到“追补按金”的通知后,市场反弹,我要怎样做?
  • Understand margin calls : you can lose your money quickly and with no notice
  • 19 . what will happen if i am not contactable when my margin account is under margin call
    1 9 .如果boom向我发出“追补按金”的通知时无法与我联络,会怎么处理?
  • Boom retains the full right to liquidate securities in your margin account in order to meet the margin call requirement
  • More examples:  1  2  3


  • a demand by a broker that a customer deposit enough to bring his margin up to the minimum requirement
    Synonyms: call,

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What is the meaning of margin call in Chinese and how to say margin call in Chinese? margin call Chinese meaning, margin call的中文margin call的中文margin call的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.